Before the current calendar we now use called the Gregorian calendar, in the Western culture, there was the Julian Calendar and today marks the First of January on that Calendar.  The year is 2766 in Roman years (AUC) on the Julian Calendar.  The Julian Calendar had been the most accurate one to date in Europe, only being a few minutes short every year before the Gregorian calendar was instituted in 1582. and while much more accurate that the Julian calendar, we still have to add an extra day every four years (like the Julian Calendar) to stay on track with Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

The Julian calendar has its influence from both Egypt and Greece in ancient times when Julius Caesar was in charge.  After a period of time in Egypt, Caesar came back to Rome and called in his best people to solve the calendar problem, which was highly irregular at that time.  Then, in 46 BC, the calendar was instituted and held sway for over 1600 years until Pope Gregory XIII brought about the needed reform.  However, some nations/countries, like Russia and greece did not adopt this modern calendar until the 20th Century.

Erik Roth