My journey across the west to Arizona begins as Mercury stations retrograde for the third time this year.  The journey has a destination in Sedona, Tucson and Tubac (about 45 minutes south of Tucson) but I’m not taking the fastest nor the easiest roads.  I’m keeping in mind my current powerful Neptune square Neptune cycle and honoring it without knowing where I will stop until I get to Sedona.  And even then, I don’t know the time that will exactly happen.   The timing of Mercury Retrograde was unconscious on my part but intrigues me for the 4-day road trip (as part of a 3-week longer journey) down there from Portland.

What role will Mercury Retrograde play during this trip in not known, but it could bring up some unconventional experiences, OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAconsidering the Neptune cycle in my life.  There are a few roads I do want to explore because of what is there with some parts I’ve seen and others only from a great distance.  Creativity and Right-brain activity is encouraged during the duration of a Mercury Retrograde and for those born with Mercury in Retrograde status, it can open the doors for you in accessing the creative force within you, perhaps allowing a greater perception that a straight line is not always the most direct route.  For me, there will be a bit of zig-zagging as I drive through Eastern Oregon and into Nevada, then Utah.  Some might look upon this as erratic and inefficient, with random breaks and a bit off the main corridors.  But that suits me just fine.

Simply stopping once in a while to listen and breathe will be highly desirable for me to do.   It will be a chance for me to stretch my eyes and senses beyond the third dimension into the luminous energy field and the regions connected to it.  What will the land say when I speak with it?  I have no expectations as to any response.  I don’t know which allies will be riding shotgun or on the roof or as a cloud above, but it really matters not.

Perhaps Mercury will provide a new perspective, one that’s never crossed my mind, as it retreats back towards Saturn and the South Node in Scorpio.  What passions will come alive?  What dreams of new structure building our next stage of evolution come down not just for me, but for all of us?  How can we make use of our life force energy to align with our emerging self?  How can we embrace our power while integrating our shadows in a healthy way?   These are thoughts that can trigger new pathways to love our gifts, talents and heart.  A new operating manual of life is already being built around us, made manifest from our inquiries, compassion, love and revelations of truth.

I make my leave late in the morning on Monday, the 21st.  I feel a new stage being birthed in my life and I hope to share my experiences, knowledge with others along the way.  “Hello, Mercury, I acknowledge and honor the treasures of your retrograde cycle. Let’s see from a new perspective!”

– Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer