It is near the end of my mid-life Neptune square Neptune cycle. The recent trip to Arizona provided a platform for me to experience a greater connection with the mysteries of the Earth and Sky. The changing landscapes, at times, dramatic, filled me with music from the astrological archetypes and how they would play that music. It also filled me with deeper knowledge and understanding of my role from the mountain ranges to the rivers and ravines to the stars above and rocks below, I drew in that energy and tasted the beauty, songs, breath and heart of all of it.

I completed that journey to Arizona on the evening of November 10th and with it a little ‘friend’ in the form of a cold. But prior to that, a great deal took place and fully while Mercury was dancing backwards (i.e. Retrograde) from our perspective as Earthlings.

Sunset in Tucson2

The primary goal for going back into Arizona was to attend and present at the 1st Annual SAMS Gathering in Tubac.

This goal was reached and my presentation on the asteroid Vesta was well received by the school to the extent that the asteroid Vesta will now officially be a part of the Shamanic Astrology paradigm! The many hours of research, conversations and readings showed through during that 45 minute presentation at the conference.

The experience of the journey took me through the desolate parts of Eastern Oregon and south into the central basin of Nevada, near Area 51, crossing over the Virgin River into Arizona and skirting the Utah/AZ border and down over the Colorado River and the Vermillion Cliffs. From there, I went south into Sedona and red rock country.

During this drive and on three other occasions, I saw fireballs both in the night time as well as once in the morning with the Sun well above the horizon. I have not seen so many in such a short span of time as I saw during those three weeks. I do not know whether these were bits of old spacecraft or space pebbles, but they grabbed my attention. I would also say that more and more fireballs, meteors and such are being noticed more and more this year across the globe, including the large one that struck Russia in February. Cosmic fire and earth are raining down upon us, but I can’t say whether or not the frequency has increased or if it is an “average” year for that. It just seems that more and more people are aware.

In Tucson, I was welcomed by warmth, friends, colleagues and clients. Tucson has become a second home for me, with the Sonora Desert backdrop providing a tremendous mystical component on different wavelength from that of the forested, volcanic northwest. I gazed at the stars and planets nightly, seeing Venus shine as bright as ever, her light reflecting off of a nearly cliff with subtlety. I spent much of my time while in Tucson working and preparing for the Gathering of Shamanic Astrologers to the south in Tubac.

Venus-Moon Conj Nov 6

The conference was a raving success for all involved, especially the school. We had a very good turnout and welcomed the beginning of a new era for SAMS. It was announced that I, along with Matthew James and Tami Brunk, will be picking up teaching duties in 2014 as Daniel Giamario travels the world and won’t be available in the US until next autumn. We also released the prototype of the Shamanic Astrology Divination Card Deck, connecting all of us to magic of the event and Great Mystery.

After the conference and two more days in Tucson, I made my way back to Oregon on November 8th. Going through Phoenix, then east into California and passing north of Joshua Tree National Park and into California’s San Joaquin Valley, I encountered the reincarnation of the “dust bowl”. The landscape was very dry, dusty, smoky and otherwise giving me a “yuck” feeling. For many hundreds of miles, this dust bowl stretched until I reached Redding, north of Sacramento. The feeling I got was more than the surrounding pollution, it was a symbol of building cold virus within my body.

By then the Sun had set and a nearly First-Quarter Moon reflected sunlight from its surface upon the Earth. I drove through the forests bordering Mount Shasta and into a much smaller valley just south of Oregon. Behind me, I caught a glimpse of Shasta and its ice & snow. It was eerie, ghostly, comforting and magical all at once. It is a beacon of purity in contrast to the stagnant dust bowl I crossed earlier in the day.

After staying in Yreka, CA, the cold had taken hold more firmly. I continued north and into Oregon, descending into Ashland and Medford and cool, very damp conditions in the form of a fog. It felt cleaner being back after the experience in the San Joaquin Valley. I took a few deep breaths and continued on. Stopping in Corvallis to do a reading, my cold was now full-blown and it took great concentration to complete the reading and get home that night of the 10th.

It was the longest trip I ever took, in terms of duration and it showed my comfort for being on the road and connecting with folks throughout the west. I truly enjoyed the experience and plan to be back at least two more times in 2014. At the same time, I learned much more about being present and adapting to ever changing conditions. I am extremely grateful to those who provided rooms for me to stay in Sedona, Tucson and Green Valley, from clients to colleagues and friends and ultimately kindred spirits; it was a blessing.

The songs of the Earth still fill me with life force and I can see a greater sphere of consciousness unfolding in people. Little by little, the awareness of all of our roles increases. Be aware and be present of each moment and breathe it in. Let those moments fill you as well.

– Erik M Roth, Shamanic Astrologer