Mars in Cancer, Venus in Taurus, Sun in Taurus, Mercury in Taurus
We are approaching the season of Taurus, beginning on April 19th when the Sun reaches 30 degrees beyond the Vernal Equinox point. The inner planets, consisting of Mercury, Venus and Mars all shift signs within nine days of each other as well as the Sun.
The Sun being in Taurus by itself is far from the only factor of what we experience astrologically. Each year will be a bit different in its expression due to the sign locations and aspects of the planets during the season. But a general character or essence of what is coming up can be explored. In this article, I’ll be exploring the upcoming transits of the Sun and inner planets along with notable and historical figures that were born with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus and Mars in Cancer.
Taurus is a sign that has its essence rooted in the middle of spring when the colors of plants and birds are at a lush point. It is an active, sensually pleasing time and a real flowering of life itself. In people, Taurus represents receiving the pleasures and comforts of life, from personal intimacy to artistic expression with the physical realm.
Taurus is an experiential sign in the physical senses, deepening our understanding of aesthetics and sensuality. But it is also tied to the physical security of comforts and pleasures, including the resources to hold onto them. In Western Astrology (especially Sun-sign astrology), Taurus is typically seen as stubborn, unchangeable and materialistic. That is more of the “shadow” qualities of Taurus and only part of the sign’s reality.
A healthy Taurus energy is the ability to savor the pleasures of life without excess, knowing where to draw the line. Taurus is also a about subtleties in touch, sight, smell, taste and sound. It is in really knowing (in the body) what feels good from the sensation-functions (not to be confused with emotions).
Personalness is also a Taurus quality, especially in intimacy. In that process, which is broad in scope, Taurus connects with the chi of pleasures of sensations.
There is also polarity of Taurus that encompasses vanity and narcissism of varying degrees in the same astrological modalities as Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius (with different expressions of it). These generally show up in unhealthy ways, especially if taken to excess.
This Taurus period begins to ebb on May 3rd, when Mercury ingresses into the sign of Gemini, then May 8th when Venus joins Mercury in that sign.
Mars, symbolizing the masculine principle in shamanic astrology, enters the sign of Cancer on April 23rd (through June 11th). Cancer symbolizes family nourishment, compassion and empathy and this sign is a provider of safe, protective spaces. It is vastly different from Taurus in that it is a “giving” sign and is highly concerned with the health and safety of others, primarily in the community and family or tribe.
The sign of Cancer bears the cultural burden of caring for the culture itself. Cancer can take on those burdens personally as it fulfills their role in life. Known as the “mother” archetype, Cancer plays a critical role in families and communities and cultures survive with compassionate understanding where in many situations it may not exist. Cancer can also show up as a fierce defender of progeny and community as well as tradition.
It is quite a different contrast from the self-exploratory of pleasure that Taurus symbolizes. But Mars in the “giving” role through the heart may be helpful in combination with Taurus for a softer energy in the human collective. However, the shadow of Cancer in the masculine can be unyielding of a perceived notion of tradition and security to protect the tribe, even at the sacrifice of healthy change.
Another unhealthy side of Cancer can be (like Capricorn) taking on too much responsibility for the family, workplace and community. This can lead to breakdowns and illnesses when the Cancer archetype lacks balance.
With these inner planets (and the Sun) representing a short-term transit, they are operating within the astrological themes of a Uranus-Saturn square and Pluto-Eris square. But the purposes of this article when looking at some notable people with this inner planet setup, I will primarily focus on the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Each chart is different in their placements of where Taurus and Cancer are located, different locations and times and thereby painting pictures of their journeys in varying ways.
Of the four charts I share about, 3 of them share Aquarius Moons and the other two with the Moon in Cancer. All of these charts come with the Solar Fire Gold astrology software.
Chart Example 1 – George Lucas

Lucas was born with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Taurus along with his Ascendant (Rising Sign) also in the sign of Taurus. Mars, of course, was in Cancer at his birth but Lucas was also born with an Aquarius Moon.
Most people know who George Lucas is and what he has been known for, especially for starting the Star Wars and Indiana Jones (with Steven Spielberg) film sagas and seeding much that has blossomed from it.
Coming from the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm’s perspective, Lucas’ lineage is Aquarius (due to his natal Moon located in that sign). It represents his archetypal mastery in this lifetime but not what he is working on in his current life. However, it serves a powerful role (being his mastery/foundation) in how he expresses his Taurus and Cancer archetypes.
Aquarius is a sign the connects us to the leading edge of idea and consciousness through inventiveness and innovation. It is “ahead of its time” and so can at times appear out of nowhere in technology and societal and spiritual philosophies. Aquarius is driven by breaking through outmoded or stagnant foundations in structures, systems, technologies, philosophies and ways of life. Aquarius is an oddball outside the mainstream as well as colorful and eccentric. It is easily seen in Lucas’ work in cinema and other entertainment. Through his ideas, new technologies, techniques and systems emerged with Lucas becoming a powerful figure in the “New Hollywood” movement of young filmmakers in America.
It’s from this Aquarius Moon, serving as a foundation and lineage, that his Taurus and Cancer archetypes take hold in his life. With his natal Mars in Cancer (his emerging masculine archetype), his desire to be a father and care for family was shown in the adoptions of two children as a single parent in 1988 and 1993 after having adopted a child in 1981 with his first wife. Later in 2013, with his second wife, he added a fourth child into his life via a gestational carrier.
With Lucas’ natal Sun, Venus and Mercury (and Ascendant) in the sign of Taurus, his deep connections to pleasures and comforts in life were strongly seen in the creative empire he built. One of the major ways that Taurus can express itself is in securing the pleasures and comforts of life. This typically requires physical and personal resources to do that. He has a great love of art, story and film of which his life was built upon. He is a collector of art from Norman Rockwell.
Chart Example 2 – Carolyn Franklin

Younger sister to legendary singer Aretha Franklin, Carolyn was a singer and songwriter in her right. Like Lucas, she was born with the Sun, Venus and Mercury in the sign of Taurus and her natal Mars in Cancer. She was born with a Capricorn Ascendant and interestingly, Carolyn also had a Aquarius Moon at birth.
Carolyn wasn’t a popular singer in her time as she became more successful as a songwriter for her sister Aretha. She wrote the song, “Ain’t No Way”, which became a hit after it was recorded in 1968 and contributed to albums from Aretha in the 1970s. Carolyn did record her own albums in the 1970s and in 1982 retired from the music industry to attend Marygrove college in Detroit in order “to establish a law firm to help artists navigate the music industry” ( )
Carolyn’s experiences also included her as a backup singer to Aretha and a film appearance with her sisters in the 1980 film, The Blues Brothers.
This is another great example of Taurus’ deeply intimate connection with artistic expression. Carolyn’s love for music, writing and singing helped fulfill life dreams and support the “Queen of Soul”, her sister, Aretha. Carolyn’s work was revolutionary for its time and Aquarius provided a brilliant foundation for her emerging feminine Taurus energy and musical aptitude.
Carolyn Franklin birthed no children and information about her relationships is scarce, but according to the Guardian article about her life, she did date and may have been bisexual. Born with her natal Mars in Cancer (along with her North Node, Vesta and Descendant), this is an area of her life that had to do with being a provider and nurturer, in part, but also longing for a Cancerian archetypal partner in her life. What is interesting about this is that her elder sister Aretha was born with her Moon in the sign of Cancer.
Growing up, she contended with her parents divorce and her father as a Baptist Minister and being raised by other family. One of the major themes for women with Mars in Cancer is learning to take on Cancer within themselves as part of their inner beloved. In the years before her death in 1988, she was at least partly in touch with her Mars in Cancer in the drive to be in law school for the purposes of helping others, especially kids entering the music industry. Carolyn also spent time caring for her father with Aretha and sisters in the months that preceded his death in 1982.
Chart Example 3 – Elsbeth Ebertin (writes under the pseudonym, Elsa Gorlizia)

Born in 1880, Elsbeth was a German writer and astrologer who was famous for doing Adolf Hitler’s natal chart in 1923, then becoming a big supporter of his Third Reich. I am sharing this example of what can be easily seen as an extreme version of the toxic qualities for a woman having a natal Mars in Cancer.
Elsbeth also had been born with the Sun, Venus and Mercury in the sign of Taurus but with a Scorpio Ascendant and a Cancer Moon. Due to the association with the absolute genocidal terror that Hitler was about, I have yet to read anything she has authored.
Elbeth was a also a mother of Reinhold Ebertin, also an astrologer and writer and grandmother of Baldur Ebertin, who is a healer, psychologist and astrologer. Elsbeth’s Moon and Mars in Cancer had a natal square of Saturn, which held a strong projection of desiring a law-enforcing nationalistic leader to strengthen her community and nation. This projection came at the opportunity when Elbeth was asked to read Hitler’s chart by one of his supporters. She then become enamored by Hitler, supporting him throughout his rise and destructive path.
This protector-Cancer projection was likely a dominant theme in her life as a hard aspect of a natal Moon and Mars tends to create circumstances and experiences where she is unlikely to have received healthy nourishment and love from her one or both parents (either through their lack of capacity, absence or other challenges).
On a side note, in a recent conversation with Shamanic Astrologer Daniel Giamario, Hitler had more than several astrologers consulting them (before astrology was banned/suppressed in Germany as it was taken seriously there) and England also before and during WW2. Germany in WW2 (along with Italy and Japan) represented the most extreme version of the sign of Cancer’s toxic side (in modern times) relating to nationalism, race and patriarchy.
Elsbeth’s Taurus Sun had a close conjunction with Pluto (also squaring Mc-Ic and Uranus), perhaps invoking deep-seeded fears of healthy expression of receiving pleasures and comforts of life. That could lead to a greater focus on security in shielding herself from the fears. Her natal Venus and Mercury in Taurus was also likely overshadowed by her Moon in Cancer, but there isn’t much in the way of information about her out there. However, her many writings (including poetry) are testimony itself to her desire for artistic expression.
Before Elsbeth’s affiliation with the Third Reich, she was reported to be an astrologer to the former king of Bulgaria. Elsbeth died at the time of an Allied bombing in Germany on November 28, 1944 with the transiting North Node almost exactly conjunct her natal Mars in Cancer.
Chart Example 4 – Mary, Royal Princess and Countess of Harewood (Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary Lascelles) Daughter of King George V and Queen Mary

Mary was Queen Elizabeth’s aunt and born with Sun, Venus and Mercury in Taurus along with her natal Mars in the sign of Cancer. She is the third of the four charts that also has an Aquarius Moon. In my search for specific charts, only 5 charts of historical figures bore a Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus with a Cancer Moon in the many thousands stored in my Solar Fire astrology software. The 5th chart, not analyzed here is Arthur, Duke of Connaught (he is not as well known a figure as the Queen Mary’s daughter and aunt to Queen Elizabeth of England).
Mary was also born with her natal Jupiter and Ascendant in the sign of Virgo, which are powerful in one’s emerging identity and vision quest path (interpreted by Shamanic Astrology)
Mary’s life was one of giving in charitable organizations (affiliated with the British Army) and of helping soldiers in both World Wars. Her natal Mars in Cancer was accompanied by Vesta in Cancer. For women, Mars in general, becomes their projected archetype they long for in life and so it seems her life had a healthy ownership of Mars in Cancer in her work for decades.
She was also married to Henry Lascelles, Earl of Harewood and they had two children. Mary’s Taurus archetype showed up in two major areas of her life: home/family and her charitable work during the wars. According to her Wikipedia page (and sourced by numerous resources such as here and here), Mary “took a keen interest in the interior decoration and renovation of the Lascelles family seat.[6][32] In farming pursuits, Princess Mary also became an expert in cattle breeding” For Taurus, it is vital to experience the comforts and beauty in life and feel it for one’s self. Taurus is about the physical connection to life with a powerful personal and hands-on touch, which showed powerfully in her private life at home. Virgo also showed up in the decorative details of her homes and I imagine also in her calling of service to England.
In the charity work, her ideas flowed into providing comfort for many soldiers in war, trying to show them not only her Mars in Cancer projected care but also in various gifts to many thousands in the service of England.
Mary died on March 28, 1965 months after her Pluto square Pluto cycle but while Pluto, Mars and Uranus were all in conjunction in Virgo and retrograde. Jupiter was also in conjunction with her natal Mercury in Taurus at that time. Mary was born with a natal opposition of Uranus/Saturn in Scorpio with Mercury in Taurus, which was undoubtedly contributing to the event on some level.