Pluto was in the sign of Capricorn in 1776 and the period of 1762 to 1778. North America experienced a massive shift following the end of the French-British war involving Indigenous People of the lands in various parts of the continent.
That war ended in 1763, when Pluto was in the very early degrees of Capricorn, setting the stage for a death-rebirth of the structures and systems of the British colonies.
The right to free speech, freedom of religion and self-rule were paramount issues leading up to the Declaration of Independence. The fallout from the Revolutionary War, the new systems of government, political, economic and social were seeded at the point. That in turn led to the formation of The Constitution while Pluto was in the sign of Aquarius (Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023-24).
This brings us into a constitutional crisis, with economic, social and political chaos as the natural process of death-rebirth takes place in the early-to-mid 2020s. In 2022, we experience the center of the Pluto Return. What, as a nation, do we fear the most?
More to come in Part 2 of this exploration at the end of this year.
General qualities of a Pluto Initiation include:
Time of Death-Rebirth
Dark Night of the Soul
Chrysalis stage of the Butterfly and Feel YOUR Feelings
Time to face fears / shadows of core self
Time of Surrender
Pluto initiates through composting what no longer serves and bring out the shadow of self, ego
Events Beyond Your Control (chaos)
On November 3rd, I will be co-facilitating an evening class with Marianna Voulgaris about the PLUTO RETURN for the US in Willow Creek, California. If you live along the Northern Cal coast, Willow Creek area or Mt Shasta area and are interested in attending this call, please e-mail me at inspiralnexus@gmail.com for for details.
Also, on November 3-4, I will be available for in-person readings in Willow Creek (east of Eureka/Arcata in the Northern Forests of California) and Eureka / Arcata.
(Schedule is subject to changes as needed)
All in-person readings are conducted with safety in mind during this pandemic
To schedule a reading with me, please connect to by automated scheduler here or e-mail me at inspiralnexus@gmail.com to coordinate a day and time to meet with me. Please note that some calendar dates may be blocked out due to traveling, so please do contact me if you want to have a reading during one of those days that may be blocked because it is possible I am available while I am in any of those areas during October and early November.