For a closer look at the timeline, including to zoom-in to see the timeline more clearly, go here.

2022 is a potent year, astrologically, starting out in January with Venus retrograde, then rising as a “morning star” on Jan 14/15, while the Lunar Nodes transit into new signs, Taurus (North Node) and Scorpio (South Node) on the 18th. Mercury also stations retrograde on the 14th in Aquarius until February 3rd.

Other highlights include early March with a Mars/Venus/Pluto/Vesta conjunction in Capricorn and early Aquarius, then in April with Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, before Jupiter ingresses into the sign of Aries in May. Another Mercury Retrograde in May in Gemini and Taurus.

July and August feature a powerful time with a Uranus/North Node/Mars conjunction in Taurus, while Saturn begins its journey back toward squaring Uranus again (though not quite exact) in the early Autumn period.

The year closes out with a very long transit of Mars in Gemini (beginning in August and through March, 2023) and also retrograde in late October, 2022 through mid-January, 2023. All the while, in aspect to Neptune in the form of a pair of squares in October and November. There is a Mars-Sun opposition as well on December 7th.

There are 4 eclipses taking place in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio: 2 partial Solar Eclipses and 2 Total Lunar Eclipses. Check out all of the highlights in the video here.