An asteroid-like planetary body, Chiron is currently in the area of stars known as The Fish (or Pisces in astronomical circles), but in the seasonal sign of Aries.

While the stars of The Fish are more difficult to see, above them is the Great Square of Pegasus, representing the body of the famous flying horse. Using Shamanic Astrology, we can gain additional insight of Chiron’s seasonal position and any stars either along the ecliptic or zodiacally and mythologically connected to the area.
For Chiron in Aries, symbolizing the fracturing/wounding of wars and battles and completing missions at all costs, sacrificing for the victories, risk-taking and thrill-seeking, competitiveness, we look to the unhealed wounds here, especially of wars current and past. This isn’t just standard wars, but wars (disease, drugs, poverty, economic, idealisms, social, military) of all kinds that create traumas.
Chiron helps us recognize what needs to be healed in the soul/psyche through digesting our wounds. Most of civilization today hasn’t fully healed from the great wars of the past, embarking in patterns of new wars (due to the unhealed wounds) with new enemies or never-ending wars with “old” enemies.
It is interesting to note that soon after Chiron stationed direct in Aries on December 19th, it was reported that Russia gained momentum its its buildup of troops on the Ukainian border, prompting greater ringing of alarm bells. Mars, Vesta and Venus (in Capricorn) are both about to aspect Chiron in Aries, increasing the tension and making for a potenitally volatile and intense period in February.
However, the Ukranian crisis may diffuse under the counter-tensions/pressures with Pegasus and the Fish in the mix, perhaps we can fly or leap above this long-time war pattern It may help us see the value of of lives, the true long-term costs of violence and maybe to re-direct Aries into higher-consciousness missions.