The first Moon-Mars conjunction (also an occultation of Mars) of Phase 2 of the Mars synodic cycle takes place on the 27th at 18°47’ Gemini. Mars passed the most recent Mars-Sun opposition point back on February 20th (the Mars-Sun opposition was on December 7th). Phase 2 of the Mars synodic cycle is about adventure, challenge and youthful maturity. It is akin to a more well-known part of Joseph Campbell’s concept of “The Hero’s Journey”.
Each of the Moon-Mars conjunctions between now and the time when Mars disappears in the glare of the Sun symbolizes a “challenge” in the journey of Mars, symbolizing the masculine principle in Shamanic Astrology.
This Moon-Mars conjunction is its first of Phase 2 and the only one in the sign of Gemini. We can envision this first Moon-Mars conjunction and our first encounter with the world as Gemini begins to mature. The mind is very active and imaginative, full of curiosity. An analogy would be a young person going off to high school, entering a new world of experience and discovery of relationships with others. It is also a time where the individual meets new friends, allies and potentially a mentor all the while coming face to face with their first challenge.
How do we know what allies or challenges come in? This is where the area of the sky, the sign and any stars or other planets aspect (particularly hard aspects) Mars and the Moon during the conjunction. The conjunction will take place between the horns of the Bull (the constellation). The tips of those horns are the stars Elnath and Tianguan. In Egyptian mythology, these were powerfully connected to several gods and goddess during the “Age of the Bull/Cow” over 4,000 years ago. It was around that time when the patriarchal societies began to take over in parts of Asia, Africa and Europe.

In many paintings of Egyptian goddesses and gods, the deities wore horns on their head with the Sun between them. It was in this age that the Sun was located in the Bull constellation at the March equinox.
The Bull/Cow constellation has an arguably “feminine” energetic signature. In ancient Sumer and Babylon, the great goddess of Heaven and Earth, Inanna, was connected to that constellation. It was until the story of Gilgamesh that the Great Bull of Heaven was slain, helping to usher in a patriarchal rule.
This Moon-Mars conjunction activates that ancient connection prior to the rise of the patriarchal cultures and pantheons. Gemini’s approach to this is one of immense curiosity and inquiry. It is more of a mental experience in this specific challenge of Phase 2. It could be preparations for the riddle of duality and how to bring the feminine and masculine into a higher state of education. There are no limits to what may be co-created in an alchemy of action and reception.
It is also in communication and story that may evolve here. Truth and lies and the gray areas between are energized. And will this pave the way for Jupiter entering the sign of Gemini in May of 2024? Since Mars has been in the sign of Gemini since August 20, 2022, clues may be what Jupiter expands upon in 2024.
Part of the journey with astrology is to connect experientially with the sky. I invite all to watch this conjunction. While the actual occultation by the Moon of Mars will only be visible in the Northern Polar region of Earth, it will still be an extremely close conjunction to witness in many parts of the planet.
Mars is still bright through the next few months, teaming up with a first-quarter Moon in the great Sacred Hoop of Stars. It will be relatively easy to see in the early to mid-evening sky around the planet. The planets, stars and other celestial objects have something to share with us as guides, teachers and initiators.