February’s New Moon takes place on the 19th at 1°22’ Pisces (11:05 pm PST) less than an hour before Venus enters the sign of Aries just before midnight. For most of the rest of the world, the New Moon and Venus’ entry into Aries be on the 20th. The first degree of Aries is where the Sun is at the March Equinox. All of this happens only one day after the Sun enters the sign of Pisces (Feb 18th).
The differences between Pisces and Aries are stark, meaning they have very little in common. Pisces is an empathic, centered on feelings, empathy, being of service and divine union. Whereas the sign of Aries is willful, instinctual, actional and about committing to a mission. In the middle of the night, these two signs are emphasized.
But another difference is that Aries will have not only Venus, but also Vesta, Jupiter, Chiron, Juno and Eris. This entry of Venus into Aries really begins the ball rolling to hold onto our seats Aries-style. With all the major planets moving direct until the third week of April, the motion of life may be a bit faster, especially in the sign of Aries.
Venus in Aries symbolizes the embodiment of instinct-action or a primal force within the feminine. It is a receptive defender and able to overcome obstacles thrown its way. Venus in Aries shows up in its strength to take on a just cause and mission. Venus will stay in Aries until March 16th.

New Moon in Pisces
With the Sun in Pisces the New Moon is always the same sign as the Sun. This Pisces New Moon is just within the Water-Bearer Constellation, a constellation that partially overlaps the Goat-Fish and is close to the Fish constellation. New Moon, in general, symbolize a “lunation”, meaning a new lunar month. This means it can be experienced as an opportunity for a new start or restart.
Projects, business and an assortment of other things can be started at the New Moon. Classically, the New Moon was the first sighting of the evening Crescent Moon. But in modern times it represents the actual zodiacal conjunction of the Sun and Moon.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is 2 Pisces. The title of this symbol is “a squirrel hiding from hunters”. The keywords share, “Using tactics to ensure survival. Hiding one’s self away. Not stepping out into the big wide world for fear of making the wrong move. Security systems. Caution and reserve. Using commonsense. Things or people that feel tiny, uncertain or insecure. Refugees and the need for them. Staying out of people’s way. Staying home. Locks and keys. Stockpiling for harder times. (from The Sabian Oracle by Lynda Hill pg 332)”.
What to make of all of the keywords and symbolism of the Sabian Symbol. In my intuitive expression, I would share that it keys in on the need to protect ourselves from those that seek our life force. It is about returning to our sanctuary and laying low. It is an opportunity that can be taken advantage of with more meditation and introspection, along with an emotional and physical recharge to prepare for the next move. It also can be a teaching about when to meet our fears and face them in the raw while also sustaining our lives for the long-term future.
More about Venus in Aries
Venus will be only 5 degrees away from Vesta and 10 degrees from Jupiter when it enters the sign of Aries. Vesta will not be visible at this time, but Jupiter will be still shining brightly. On March 1, the two brightest planets in the sky will conjunct at 12°08’ Aries. That night, it will be quite a show to witness, especially to those that only see the sky casually and are not aware of the planet’s movements.
Vesta will be only 3 degrees away at 9°48’ Aries and Chiron at 13°54’ Aries. Venus’ quick journey of conjunctions of these planetary bodies will be informative and potent. Venus becomes an activator. It can help open the doors to taking action, meaning being decisive and committed to that decision.
This combination of planets in Aries can expand the need for grieving and healing. This is also about the shamanic medicine that is needed to be alchemized in this initiation for humanity. As I shared in the recent video here about the Aries stellium, this is part of a larger initiation for humanity (specifically with Chiron in Aries) to grieve and heal the pain, trauma and loss from wars and violence. It is a chance to see the vulnerability of Aries, helping it to navigate the fiery aftereffects of the left over debris. Venus’ role is also one that the feminine plays in that healing (at least while Venus is in Aries for nearly a month).
For those that have personal points/planets in Aries, depending upon the degree of the sign, February 19th is a moment of deep breath before the plunge into the fast-lane. But it is not just about going fast. There is a greater purpose to it and Chiron holds the key to that purpose. We can ask ourselves some important questions about our own vulnerabilities and what hidden pains we’ve not revealed to others or ourselves by not facing them. Venus lens a hand by helping be more receptive and teaming with Chiron sharing where compassion can come into play.
In combination with the Pisces New Moon, empathy and spiritual service can shine and balance our the assertive actions of Aries. Actions do need to be taken at times. Decisiveness is important when really committing to something worth defending or for a cause that is aligned with us. But without empathy and compassion, how far would that go? Pisces and Aries are equally important here.
I’ll be writing more about this Aries stellium as the days roll on. Note that most of the action in February and March is in the sign of Aries, with Pisces a bit less. However, Pisces’ contributions will continue to be noticed but may not get the headlines. We can ask ourselves where any imbalances exist in relation to instinctual action and empathy/compassion? This time period of late February can be a good one to get in touch with those qualities and see where we may learn or where we need healing.
Ouch! Like many I have been through a rough year after several rough ones. It seems that each year is worse than the last. I even have begun to dread the coming of another new year. Astrology has become my beacon shining it’s stead fast light honestly on the good, bad and everything in between. Over the past year many planetary lineups have matched planets aspects etc. in my chart. Yesterday I got hard news. In facing it I also face my death. Today I was doing not too bad. I read this post and resonate with it. Out of curiosity I checked my chart. LOL Aries mid heaven 12 degrees 45 min, Eris in Aries 9 degrees 45 min. MY sun and moon elsewhere each at 12 degrees. I guess I am in for a ride. I feel like I am simultaneously in a storm that has no end and the void. That I must stay strong and keep standing while making my way forward into the unknown. Totally Vulnerable.