The buildup of the planets in the sign of Aries is now reaching one of its peaks between March 11 and 13, 2023. These conjunctions reach its maximum on the 12th. This astrological stellium can contribute sacred medicine from the intuitive/instinctual level of expression. It is also revealing of the deeper wounds that relate to our collective and individual missions and purpose in the world.
Chiron acts as the primary funnel for the astrological expression with Eris also adding her voice with Venus. Chiron’s role filters what healing is needed to appear in our lives. Chiron is experienced as a “underworld” healer through its mythological expression as the Shamanic teacher and alchemist.
The healing of Aries revolves around being able to see our own vulnerabilities and to properly give attention to grieving when it is truly needed. Aries can be focused on its goals/missions that it can miss opportunities of growth and wholeness when wounds pop up.
March 11th is part of several days where the alchemy of Chiron can be utilized in ways that are paired with divine sacredness and tender attention. But it is also realizing the pain of the wounds is not to simply cover up or power through, but as a signal where we can trace the deeper troubles and imbalances in our lives.
This major alignment in this window of time begins with the conjunction of Venus and Eris at 24°13’ Aries on March 11. Later that same day, Jupiter and Chiron conjunct at 14°26’ Aries. It continues the next day with Vesta, Chiron and Jupiter about 3’ apart (1/15 of a degree between 14°27’ – 14°30’ at its closest point. All 3 planetary bodies stay within 1/3 of a degree throughout March 12th. Vesta and Chiron are in conjunction March 12th at 14°27’ Aries, then Vesta conjuncts Jupiter at 14°31’ Aries. That all happens within a 24-hour time period.

Here is the rundown of the Aries Stellium (dates listed are Pacific time):
March 11, 2023
Venus-Eris conjunction 24°13’ Aries
Jupiter-Chiron conjunction 14°26’ Aries
March 12, 2023
Vesta, Chiron and Jupiter about 3’ apart (1/15 of a degree between 14°27’ – 14°30’ at its closest point)
Vesta, Chiron and Jupiter stay within 1/3 of a degree apart
Vesta-Chiron conjunction 14°27’ Aries
Vesta-Jupiter conjunction 14°31’ Aries
Venus-Eris now 1° apart Aries
March 13, 2023
Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron begin to slowly move apart, starting at 1/3 of a degree and growing to 42’ apart or about 2/3 of a degree apart in Aries.
The last time Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron were very close together in a stellium was, at their closest point on March 10, 1976 between 25°28’-26°28’ Aries. Venus wasn’t part of this stellium in 1976, but there was a buildup in March 1975 as Jupiter and Chiron kicked off the Aries festivities when Jupiter entered the sign of Aries (just as Venus was about to leave Aries).
Beyond March 13th is really about the release of this buildup of Aries archetypal energy into our lives. As a human collective, this time period (and really the whole month of March) exhibits this theme of facing our wounds related to our mission-purpose in life. It also involves the martial action-oriented expression of Aries and past wounds related to wars current and unhealed traumas from wars of the past (that perhaps in some way we are still fighting as a coverup of the wound itself).
Personally, where have we had trouble being decisive? Have we been too distracted to place attention on our life purpose? Do we have wounds when we have stepped into our purpose? And what traumas have occurred in not standing in our own sacred space with courage to speak our soul’s voice?
March is a VERY active month, astrologically with the recent ingress of Saturn into Pisces and on March 23rd, Pluto into Aquarius for the first time since the time of America’s Revolutionary War and after in the formation of a new nation between 1777-1798. With that said, the intent is to peel open the wounds to take action in creating sacred space for healing to occur.
Pluto will help transform our ideals beyond what was “ideal” in the 18th century and Saturn will help dispel illusions and bring spirit into matter in working practically to forge a different kind of foundation. There is more to it than that, but this gives us a sliver of a mountain of potential from which to work from.