The Sun moves into its annual conjunction with the planet Uranus at 18°56’ Taurus on May 9, 2023. This conjunction happens a little later in the year as Uranus moves a little over 4 degrees per year. Next year, the conjunction will happen on May 13, 2024 at 23°06’ Taurus.
All of the planets and other planetary bodies conjunct the Sun at least once per year except for Mars. A Sun-Uranus conjunction brings to bear the qualities of Uranus in a more pronounced way. Astrologically, Uranus is about the unpredictable, unexpected and unorthodox. Uranus contributes to dramatic events and breakthroughs for humanity in its relationship with the Earth and Cosmos along with our collective and personal soul journey.
Uranus is the idea hammer to the currently stable but decaying foundation and walls. This planet assists us in seeing a wider or cosmic perspective from where we may be in a current situation. Uranus does this through opportunities of events beyond our control. It can be as unexpected as a landslide or flash flood or as tame as an epiphany that shifts the course of our life.
As humans, we can be stubbornly rooted where we are in our routines and life structure. This can be called our “assemblage point”. The assemblage point is prone to shift in a Uranus initiation (astrological transit), particularly when we are experiencing personal and collective Uranus cycles/transits.

In the sign/archetype of Taurus, this conjunction can emphasize our collective conveniences, abundances and life pleasures. In the Western world, most people can access food, entertainment and supplies at a moment’s notice. It’s comfortable and relatively easy. This evolution began with the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century and continues to accelerate today.
This revolution, though, sacrifices parts of Gaia or the Earth Mother in order to have a certain higher quality of life. This higher quality of life continues to expand across the globe to more and more communities with a variety of results and styles.
While this description is also about the general nature of Uranus in Taurus, specifically in today’s world, the Uranus-Sun conjunction is a chance to look at it more closely. We are all aware of the increasingly challenging situation we find ourselves in with the global climate and the extremes that result from it. Human activity is contributing (at least to some extent) to these extremes in combination with the natural rhythms / movements of the Earth.
The essence of Taurus is about enjoying and savoring the pleasures and comforts of the Earth herself. Taurus perceives Earth as a great garden of delights in a wide variety of ways. No matter the signs we have on our astrology natal charts, we can all partake in those delights. Uranus through Taurus and its conjunction with the Sun brings this to the forefront. But when our planet becomes less habitable, it becomes more and more difficult to truly enjoy what Earth has offered.
For each Uranus-Sun conjunction, we can take advantage of the astrological event to try out something new in our lives or collectively do that. Perhaps it can be about a celebration of Earth in some way or giving ourselves a gift that feels good in concert with the Earth? It can be as simple as buying flowers for oneself or a stroll in a nature park can be that Taurus Earth gift, especially it is a rare thing for you to do or haven’t done before.