On April 20, 2024, Jupiter meets Uranus in a conjunction at 21°49’ Taurus. While all conjunctions are a one-day moment, it is more than just the one day that its impact can be felt.
Experientially, when 2 planets get together (or the Moon and planet or planet/star, etc), it is noticeable when they get within 10° of each other. We “experience” the conjunction taking place for hours or sometimes days and weeks, especially with slower-moving planets. Our senses take in the nearness of the objects, which can occasionally be dramatic and potent. At the minimum, it is typically visually appealing.
Visually, Jupiter is stunningly bright and easy to spot even in light-polluted skies. But Uranus is at the edge of visibility with the unaided eye. Under perfectly dark skies and with good eyesight, we may spot Uranus next to Jupiter (though the light of Jupiter may saturate the sky just enough to make it harder to see Uranus).
In the sky and in the chart, Jupiter and Uranus have been hanging around each other off and on for almost a year. In 2023, Jupiter and Uranus were within 10° for 3 months (July-October of that year). The recent period began on February 15 and continues for 4 months until June 16. This is an outlined period which can have some of the most important impacts in our lives.
What’s more, the window of time when Jupiter and Uranus are within 1° takes place between April 15 and 26, 2024, with the center of this transit on April 20th.
Jupiter and Uranus conjunct, on average, every 13 ½ years. The last time this took place was on the border of the signs of Pisces and Aries back in 2010-11 in a series of 3 conjunctions.

Meaning of Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction:
Uranus is a planet that astrologically and archetypally symbolizes unplanned, unpredictable events of novelty in our personal and collective lives. It adds a dose of cosmic objectivity and revolutionary ideas spurring societies and our personal journeys into shifting our lives. Uranus is the divine mind’s spark within that can co-create a new trajectory. It is associated with the sign of Aquarius (traditionally, Saturn represented this).
Jupiter is a planet that expands our path of spirituality, enlightenment, and vision quest. It symbolizes our dharma or what is our experiential duty or road we travel upon. It’s strongly associated with the sign of Sagittarius and also has a traditional connection to the sign of Pisces. Jupiter can renew our vision and accelerate our soul’s development in relationship with the outer world.
This conjunction pair of Jupiter and Uranus can co-create or stimulate unexpected growth and breakthroughs in the world. In the sign of Taurus, this would represent potential for radical change and expansion in our conveniences, pleasures and comforts in the physical realm.
Our relationship with the material realm has been going through a revolution since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018. Jupiter has been in Taurus since May 16, 2023, and it will continue until May 25, 2024 (ingressing into the sign of Gemini on that day). This revolution helped spark the breakthroughs in the internet’s relationship with the physical realm where just about anything can be ordered online. But with these conveniences, it also brought greater stress to Earth.

With Uranus, also comes the area of technology. In this area of life, Uranus has been assisting us in developing technologies in connection with the rapidly changing conditions on our planet. Meaning, this can bring in needed insights about how to maintain a comfortable and pleasurable way of life while protecting the Earth as a sacred garden. Jupiter’s involvement is to expand what Uranus is already contributing, but perhaps with a more spiritual and philosophical direction.
Part of what we can do during this conjunction period is to look at our material world, our possessions, what feels good and find where we don’t feel good. Do we have too much stuff? And is the stuff creating energetic imbalances such as an untenable burden? Also, how can we share in the pleasures, comforts and beauty in our lives and communities?
Uranus can be looked at as a higher octave of Jupiter’s expression. Both planets, symbolically, can accelerate our soul’s movement to live in its truth. Except, in Uranus’ case, we cannot predict when events, epiphanies and sparks of insights take place or what those events and insights will be.
For those experiencing a Uranian or Jupiterian transit (cycle) in their lives, particularly the astrological conjunctions, squares and oppositions, this is a powerful time. It is when it is intended for our lives to shift in unexpected ways. Carlos Casteneda would call this a shift in our “assemblage point”, where we feel rooted or “assembled” can get uprooted and experience rapid change ourselves. Sometime, this can shake us up and leave us feeling ungrounded. We can navigate it not by resisting it, but by embracing the changes and trusting that the planets are guides and teachers showing us the way of becoming more whole unto ourselves.
The Previous Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus: 1941
The last time we experienced Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in the sign of Taurus, it was May 7, 1941. This time is a deeper plunge into the nature of this conjunction in Taurus. It doesn’t mean that the same things will take place as they did 83 years ago. It simply shows humanity’s themes. There were other planetary alignments, such as the aftereffects of a series of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Taurus in 1940-41 and a Pluto-Chiron conjunction a few months later.
By reflecting and/or reading about what took place in 1940-41 we can see the multitude of events and decisions and roots that led the world to war. Back to the present, we have the power to decide how we react to events beyond our control and how they may shape us. Our perceptions can be greatly altered by dramatic events. As our consciousness evolves, we can be in wonder, worry, joy, sadness and/or understanding or perhaps even open to the new experience and what it means within.
How do we want to shape our lives, knowing that much of what life throws at us is beyond our control? Our we making our comforts, pleasures and stability a priority? Is it too much or too little? What do we need to do to relax? What is our relationship with the Earth?
In this time of conjunction, tune into the Earth, your relationship with it and the knowledge that the physical realm has delivered all the materials we wear, operate, work and explore. While this conjunction has an intent, it is not determined or carved in stone. The power is within us to create that future.
I love your newsletters Eric. Your information is so valuable and your insight is helpful with personal guidance during this chaotic time.
4/11/24 Hi Erik, Excellent, well written, researched article; an insightful summary of what I have been experiencing/feeling/knowing.. a sense of culmination; of life path intention moving towards fruition.
my natal jupiter is 21 degrees 28 minutes in Cancer in 8th house. no specific aspects to Uranus at 29 degrees in Virgo in 10th house. Am Sag. rising… Thank you very much.
Thank you for reminding me of those wonderful Carlos Castaneda books and the possible shift in our “assemblage point”,. and the possibility of some sudden changes.
This is really insightful Erik, thank you!
Thanks Erik. I have this conjunct my natal 20 degree Jupiter, sextile Uranus, square the nodes, square Pluto, trine Mars, and quincunx my Neptune, and 3 degrees from my Saturn (most of my planets are at the end of the 2nd decan.
I feel it, some good, some anxiety – nothing like activating the entire chart.
So glad we don’t have the 1941 companions this time, although there is certainly much political upheaval in progress.
This is so timely Erik. The Jupiter Uranus dance is opposite my Mercury. This provides some helpful perspective to my current predicament.