Jupiter in Gemini

May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025

Jupiter squares Saturn 

The “year-star”, planet, Jupiter, ingresses into the sign of Gemini on May 25, 2024. Jupiter is nicknamed the year-star due to the planet staying approximately one solar year in each of the 12 signs. The largest planet will transit Gemini until June 9, 2025 (when it then ingresses into the sign of Cancer). This transit last happened between June 2012 to June 2013.

As Jupiter enters Gemini, it will also cross over near and below the star cluster of Pleiades in the Bull Constellation. Pleiades currently straddles the seasonal signs of Taurus and Gemini and is itself very slowly ingressing fully in the sign of Gemini within the next several decades.

Jupiter will not be visible when it enters the sign of Gemini due to its proximity with the Sun in the sky. However, on June 1st, it will rise as a “morning star” about 25 minutes before the Sun crosses over the horizon.

Jupiter in Gemini brings to life the archetype and deities of Hermes, Loki, the Eternal Youth, Minstrel, Storyteller, Writer, Trickster, Networker, Peter Pan and Sacred Clown and many others throughout history. Gemini is well known for its skills as a writer, communicator, messenger and potent expressions of imagination as well as the devil’s advocate.

Gemini curiosity leads the way as its primary motivator. This archetype wants to know it all and entice others with its stories, magic, tricks and fun wisdom.

Jupiter expands all that it transits (be it other planet, star or a sign). It amplifies Gemini’s qualities of imagination and mind. It is a sign where conventional rules don’t apply and the desire for the mind relationship with knowledge.

One of the major ways this transit can be of benefit to humanity is in the area of imagination and all the various layers of perceptions of the mind. Many times, we can get locked into a routine and/or pattern of limits and with it, limited thinking. Jupiter in Gemini can open up pathways in unusual ways for each of us to take advantage of.

If one doesn’t consider themselves creative or imaginative or otherwise have trouble with that, this can be a time of working with the creative/imaginative parts of our mind. It’s also a time to find creative solutions to issues or problems in our lives.

For those that have some Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces, this is where Jupiter will be in your life for about a year. But the transit will really be emphasized between 11 and 22 degrees (and within 2 degrees of that), where Jupiter is makes its retrograde loop. For those that have their natal Jupiter in Gemini, this is a once in a 12-year period of your Jupiter Return.

Saturn and Jupiter Squares

During Jupiter’s transit through Gemini and into the early degrees of Cancer, Jupiter squares Saturn 3 times:

August 19, 2024 – 17°27’ Gemini / Pisces
December 24, 2024 – 14°01’ Gemini / Pisces
June 15, 2025 – 01°18’ Cancer / Aries

Due to this square pattern between August, 2024 and June, 2025, Saturn energy will be prominently featured here in Jupiter’s transit through the sign of Gemini.

Saturn brings in a sense of order, rules, focus and growth through limits and boundaries. Saturn’s energy can feel like it is clamping down on Gemini’s imagination and creative flow. It can feel as if the options become more limited or somehow judged for being “wrong” in some way.

On a global level, this transit can be beneficial in bringing those that are “beyond the rules” to pay attention that sometimes the rules do indeed apply to them. And there are indeed limits to those who avoid their responsibilities and obligations. However, people may react to rebel against those rules in various ways, especially with communication and shapeshifting into other roles. It may make for some strange effects and greater polarization in the greater collective of humanity.

Speaking of shapeshifting, with Saturn currently in Pisces and Jupiter in Gemini, the two signs can both “shape-shift”, but in very different ways. Gemini can shape-shift through using the mind to take on different roles from the motivation of curiosity and enjoyment and/or to gain perspective (and teach perspective) from infinite angles. For Pisces, it shape-shifts through feeling and heart, ultimately merging into whatever it feels into (i.e. a person, an animal, the cosmos).

Jupiter wants to expand, co-create more opportunities for growth through its synchronicities while Saturn wants contraction and settling in to focus on the most important things to promote responsible growth. Jupiter shows us our pathway ahead, bringing our spiritual quest into light in the real world. It’s also about spontaneity and intuition and going boldly into the future. Saturn shares that we need to plan and look at all the variables and make sure we are fully prepared. Saturn shows us our real-world clock, governing our time and being accountable for our actions.

Our Collective Timeline

Simply following Saturn and Jupiter in sky can give us greater clarity of shifts and patterns in human society. One of the more well-known ones is the 20-year timeline of Saturn and Jupiter coming into conjunction with each other. That last happened in December, 2020 (that was part of the triple conjunction with Pluto and Eris’ square to it). We are approaching the ¼ turn of the most recent conjunction.

This quarter-turn of the conjunction is an intersection for humanity as well. It is important to realize that we are far from resolving or healing the heavy challenges and trauma that took place in 2020. While some things have helped and hindered humanity since then, this square can bring those issues back into our consciousness.

It doesn’t mean a repeat of the pandemic or its chain reaction across the Earth. But it does mean humanity’s structures, systems, laws, and rules are once again about to be tested. Only this time, it doesn’t involve Capricorn and Aquarius signs. It involves Pisces and Gemini for the most part.

As an astrologer, I don’t feel we will have any resolution during this time due to the signs involved. However, there could be some highly imaginative and practical, heart-centered pathway for humanity to welcome in. As shared earlier, these squares could bring in more bizarre aftereffects that help us open to alternative ways to have the regular systems and structures in our lives. It’ll help us show that we need a balance of order and plans with space to be free and spontaneous and imaginative.

Issues we are encountering continue to involve showing up to be of help and service to others in need (in a practical manner) along with facing the impact of desire to “know it all” and the reality in the physical realm that there are boundaries encountered to fulfill that desire.

Squares between any two planetary bodies creates tension and stress, especially when involving the planet Saturn. But the benefit of this upcoming series of 3 squares between Saturn and Jupiter provides us with a golden opportunity to face the reality of putting imagination and desire to help into practical, real-world truth. Exercising patience in what we do is vital to our long-term realization of all that is. But sometimes, we will need to trust our intuitive sense to decide our next actions.

Jupiter the Expander in Gemini May 25, 2024

by | May 13, 2024 | Blog Posts | 1 comment