Venus Rising in Evening of July 10th
Ascension Phase July 10, 2024 – March 29, 2025
Venus will offically be visible in the early evening sky on July 10th and will gradually become more visible to most of the world in the coming days.  In Europe, Africa and Asia, it will be the 11th when Venus is visible in the early evening sky. A general guideline, Venus becomes visible when it is 10 degrees from the Sun. However, there are conditions which allow good visibility of Venus prior to the 10 degree mark if a person has a clear horizon without obstruction or too much humidity. But for most people, 10 degrees is a good rule of thumb to go by. Venus will be at 29°19’ Cancer at 8pm PDT on July 10, when she is 10 degrees from the Sun.
Venus spent close to 8 months in the early morning sky (late August 2023-late April 2024) before descending into the glare of the Sun (shamanically, when visible planets or stars are in the glare, it is considered the underworld). Rising in the evening on July 10th, Venus will spend about another 8 months in the evening sky before passing between the Earth and Sun in March, 2025, then starting a new synodic cycle.
This evening sky appearance of Venus is part of a much larger story called the Descent of Inanna that follows the goddess from her beginning to descend through the gates of the realm below, then a death-rebirth, then ascending through the gates to claim her power as Queen of Heaven and Earth. It plays out every 584 days or 19 months.
In the northwestern sky, Mercury (mag -0.1) will also be visible but nowhere near as bright as Venus (at very bright mag -3.9). Vesta is shown in the accompanied image, but will not be visible to the unaided eye. The waxing Crescent Moon about 2 days before first-quarter will shine above the star Regulus and much higher in the sky above Mercury and Venus. These next few nights will be fantastic days to connect with Venus as she moves into the sign of Leo on July 11th.
The Ascending Phase
Venus has entered the Ascending Phase of her journey, the 3rd major phase since the beginning of the Venus synodic cycle on August 19/20, 2023.  From this point on until March, the Venus-Moon conjunctions will relate to gates up and out of the underworld, which are usually once per month.
The gates (Venus-Moon conjunctions) connect us to energy spots in the body (chakras), starting with the Root Chakra.  Here are the dates for the Venus-Moon conjunctions or Ascending Gates:
  • August 5, 2024 – Root Chakra in Virgo with Mercury
  • September 5, 2024 – Belly Chakra in Libra with the South Node and Juno
  • October 5, 2024 – Solar Plexus Chakra in Scorpio
  • November 4, 2024 – Heart Chakra in Sagittarius
  • December 4, 2024 – Throat Chakra in Capricorn with Ceres
  • January 3, 2025 – Third Eye Chakra in Pisces
  • February 1, 2025 – Crown Chakra in Pisces
After passing through the gates of ascension, Venus stations retrograde on March 1, 2025 10 degrees, 50 minutes of Aries.  During this period of time, she begins her “metamorphic phase” (coined by astrologers Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk).  This is a period Venus (of the goddess) transitions at the end of her synodic cycle that began in 2023 into something new.  During retrograde, Venus will pass between the Sun and Earth and from the evening sky to the morning sky.  Venus will then reach 10 degrees away from the Sun on March 29, 2025 at 28 degrees, 52 minutes of the sign of Pisces.
In essence, this metamorphic phase transitions the goddess from Leo (where it started in August 2023) to Pisces, where Venus begins a new 584-day cycle.  This sets the overtone or the “metagoddess”, that Cayelin and Tami describe, for the entire cycle.
I hope this inspires the reader to go out and connect visually and experientially with Venus.  On days when she conjuncts the Crescent Moon are powerful days where we can tune into the described chakra within ourselves and feel what we feel.  We can all ascend with Venus symbolically and spiritually during this time.