Jupiter, also known as the “Year-Star” also stations retrograde & direct one time per sign. On Feb 4, Jupiter will station direct at 11°16’ Gemini. This is the day for Jupiter to launch itself through the rest of the sign of Gemini and into Cancer in June.
All station points are still points for planets. Jupiter spends the least of amount of time in retrograde of all the planets orbiting beyond Mars. The retrograde period is only 122 days (or 4 months) long on average. It is a time of stillness for the planet and a deepening of the what events and experiences have taken place since it entered the sign of Gemini on May 25, 2024 and went retrogtrade on October 9, 2024.
Jupiter’s station point continues a time of reflection of what we have expanded into through our life journey. We can inquire about our spiritual goals, our educational pursuits and our connections with others. Where are we curious about in our lives? What areas or subjects would we like to learn about? How can we connect through imagination and creative communication?
For humanity, Jupiter’s transit in the sign of Gemini brings out more of the youthful imagination, contrarianism, trickster energy, poetry and other creative writing, knowledge, curiosity and more! But it can also bring out or expand the things where “games” or untested wild ideas are applied to real life, which end up not translating in a healthy way.
On a natal chart, Jupiter symbolizes the road we are traveling upon. This road connects us to our vision quest path, path of spirituality and enlightenment along with our dharma. For the human collective, Jupiter in Gemini brings out the qualities stated above.
This is a chance for all of us to tap into our curiosity and creative centers in order to gain persepctive and resolve issues from a creative approach. For those with Jupiter in Gemini natally, this is a return cycle for you (it happens once every 12 years).
During this time period, Jupiter will move into squares with Neptune and Saturn in June. Jupiter’s impact for humanity in the month of June will be felt far and wide as we enter into a new direction.
Jupiter will remain in direct motion through the rest of the sign of Gemini. Jupiter will reach the sign of Cancer on June 9, and stays direct until it reaches the 25°09′ Cancer on November 11, 2025.