Mars Rising

by Erik M Roth, Shamanic Astrologer Mars Rises from the Underworld In the early morning sky of October 16, 2019, the red planet Mars will rise in the east shortly before the Sun.  Mars has been hidden from our eyes since the 17th of July due to the glare of the...

Unseen Meeting of Mars and Venus

by Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer On Saturday, August 24, 2019, the closest neighbors to Earth will be meeting each other.  None will get to witness this with the naked eye as it takes place on the other side of the Sun and well within the Sun’s glare.  But...

Stellar Nights with Arcturus and Spica

The summer nights (winter in the southern hemisphere) are dominated by certain constellations and stars.   There are many options to see bright stars during this time with the summer triangle of Deneb, Vega, and Altair along with Capella to the far north...

Saturn, Jupiter and our Earth-Sky Connection

Transition of the Middle World Planets The Middle World planets (in the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™), Saturn and Jupiter are now transitioning from early morning viewing to late evening and mid-evening hours.  This is also the last time Jupiter and Saturn go...

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter Rx by Erik Roth On April 10th, the largest planet in our solar system stations in retrograde motion in the sign of Sagittarius and the tail-stinger of the Scorpion constellation.  At this point in Jupiter’s apparent motion across the sky is when Earth is...