Truly More than Our Sun Sign

by Erik M Roth As the Sun draws ever closer to its solstice point (which literally means “solar standstill”) on December 21st, it is a valuable time to talk of the reasons why we are more than the seasonal astrological sign we were born under.   The sign the Sun was...

Archetypes of Donald and Hillary

A Shamanic Astrology Perspective by Erik Roth 10/29/16: I made a correction below on Donald Trump’s Pluto cycle: Pluto is squaring his natal Jupiter, not opposing it.  Also, he is in a Jupiter Return. There have been many, many astrologers who have written and...

Happy September Equinox!

The long winter is over for those south of Earth’s equator but for those in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun crosses south of the equator (from our perspective standing on Earth) at 7:21 am Pacific time on September 22, 2016.  This is Autumn and a prelude to winter...

Intensity of the August Alignments

 by Erik Roth In recent weeks, there has been a surge of intensity of emotion and energy in general in our environment, but mainly within ourselves.  The astrological climate that we are in has been playing a big role in these “accelerated” times for decades now. Even...

Challenges of Mars

The preparation for the nearly year-long basket of challenges is nearly over and the time has come for Mars to leave its early education in the space between the constellations.  We can look at this early pattern of the Mars motion as the youthful period before going...