Shamanic Astrology 101 Class

What Does your Soul Want? The Script of Life Purpose contained within the Cosmic-Earth Rhythms with Shamanic Astrologer Erik M Roth  CLASS WILL BE HELD IN 2016 (Exact Date TBD) Location: To be Determined Time of Class: 10 am to 5:30 pm (with a lunch break at the...

Reformulation of Mars

  There are emerging forms of the masculine, represented by the planet Mars in Shamanic Astrology that is seen across all quarters of cultures all over the world.  These forms range from alpha-male types on one end to fully receptive and cosmically-sensitive...

Visiting Oregon in December

SCHEDULE UPDATE I am in the planning stages of my return to Oregon over the Yule/ Winter Solstice season.  I am driving up from Tucson through California and all the way up I-5.  I will have time for a few readings along the way, including the portions of the...

Interviewed by Taylor Ellwood

Yesterday, November 9th, I had the pleasure of being a guest on author Taylor Ellwood’s weekly podcast on .  In the broadcast, I talked extensively of the Shamanic Astrology paradigm, what makes it different from other types of astrology, how...

Resistance is Futile

“We are the Borg . . .  Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” from the film, “Star Trek: First Contact” Or is it? Perhaps is some circumstances and life cycles resistance is not quite futile and may even be encouraged...