Our Lineage in Brief

Traditional, Western Astrology shows that the Moon represents or “rules” the emotions, instincts, feelings and family of these walking and talking bipeds called human beings.  It is a tradition taken for granted and assumed through its symbolism of the...

Inner Planets on January 25th 2015

In the early evening tonight, look toward to the southwest to see the brightening planet Venus catching up with the slowly dimming red planet Mars.  These two will be getting closer with each passing day until the 3rd week of February, when they will be very close...

Planetary Teachers Class

February 28, 2015 at 11 am to 3 pm in Corvallis, OR Planetary Teachers: Discover how the Planets act as Initiators to Guide your Life with Shamanic Astrologer Erik M Roth Price: $55 – RSVP is Required along with your Birth Information (Birth date, Birth Place...

Saturn Exploring Sagittarius

The head and claws of the Scorpion constellation reached out above the eastern horizon in the early morning sky with the planet Saturn, just back from the far side of the Sun. Saturn and the Scorpion, both now fully in the sign of Sagittarius, were in the cosmic...

Saturn Rising from Underworld

The ringed planet has finally awakened from its journey behind the Sun, now just becoming visible to us on planet Earth.  Saturn has spent about one month in the glare of the Sun, hidden from our eyes.  The ancients considered this to be an underworld passage where a...