Our Next Lunar Eclipse is on October 28

Our next eclipse is a partial Full Moon eclipse or well-known as a lunar eclipse. This happens on October 28th at 05°09’ Taurus. A lunar eclipse takes place when the Moon is about or within 10 degrees of one of the lunar nodes and the Sun is as well opposite the Moon....
Stellar Gateways Online Course

Stellar Gateways Online Course

Starts November 14th, 2023 Check out all the details and get the course right here: https://mystaralchemy.com/stellar-triangles-and-the-souls-cosmic-path/ The word, “understanding” literally comes from standing “under the sky”. The Stellar Triangles help us with that...

Venus is Retrograde Beginning July 22

Venus will station retrograde at 28˚36’ Leo, on July 22, 2023 very close to the star Regulus at 00˚07’ Virgo.  Venus will stay retrograde for about 6 weeks until September 3, 2023 at 12˚12’ Leo (when the planet stations direct). Venus is in the midst of over 4...

June Solstice is Here

Happy Summer Solstice!Our next solstice is here!   Officially on June 21, 2023 at 7:58 am PDT.  This is the time of maximum light in the Northern Hemisphere and minimal light in the Southern Hemisphere.  The Earth is also nearing its aphelion...

Saturn Stations Retrograde June 17

On the day of the New Moon in Gemini, the ringed planet Saturn stations retrograde June 17 at 10:27 am at 07°12’ Pisces. This is in the constellation of the Water-Bearer and above the Royal Star Fomalhaut. For those early risers, Saturn is easily visible before...