Antares and First Quarter Moon

The Moon will be officially in its “First Quarter” phase tomorrow morning here on the Pacific coast, but prior to that it has a meeting with one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Antares. Looking toward the south, the near-First Quarter Moon will be easily...

Moon Jupiter Conjunction Aug 31 2013

In the early morning skies of Saturday, August 31, 2013 the waning crescent Moon will slowly drift by the expansive planet Jupiter in the east on its way to meeting the Sun. The actual conjunction between these two celestial bodies takes place at 8:45 am at about 14...

Season of the Priestess

On August 22nd at 4:05pm Pacific time (& Arizona time), the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo (not to be confused with the constellation of the same name), heralding in the last month of summer which closes at the autumnal equinox. The signs of astrology are...


With the coming annual meteor shower called the “Perseids”, it is good time to look at that constellation from which the meteor shower’s name is derived. Near and above the Pleiades and constellation of the Bull (aka Taurus) is the constellation of...

Grand Sextile Alignment July 29th 2013

The Grand Sextile is upon us but should not be overrun the context in which it sits.  The Grand Sextile is only possible because of the Moon’s passage through the Sign of Taurus, joining the South Node of the Moon (which has been there for many months).  This...