Happy June Solstice, 2021!

Looking at this year’s June Solstice point and the sign of Cancer Solstice has arrived and with it the promise of a new summer (and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).  The Sun is at its most northerly point in the sky for a 3-day period (Solstice means,...

Austin, Texas in July, 2021

I will be in Austin, Texas between July 16 – 21 to be a part of my first holistic fair of 2021! The fair is called the Body Mind Spirit Fair and takes place at the Palmer Events Center on the weekend of July 17-18. Address is 900 Barton Springs Rd,, Austin,...
Taurus and Cancer Activation

Taurus and Cancer Activation

Mars in Cancer, Venus in Taurus, Sun in Taurus, Mercury in Taurus We are approaching the season of Taurus, beginning on April 19th when the Sun reaches 30 degrees beyond the Vernal Equinox point.  The inner planets, consisting of Mercury, Venus and Mars all shift...

Saturn and Uranus 2021

Squares The primary theme (but not the only one) of 2021 (and some of 2022) is the relationship is the astrological aspect of a Saturn-Uranus square.  To the lay person, it can be best understood visually as a first or last-quarter Moon in the sky.  The Moon...

An Aquarius Stellium

We are in the midst of a great transition on the planet, which is being acutely felt here in the United States.  At the time of this writing, the Sun and three planets are in the sign of Aquarius, with Venus ingressing into Aquarius on February 1st.  This...

Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction and the Sea Change

In the Time of the December Solstice Not since the year 1603 has a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction arrived near or on the December Solstice, a time of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.  2020, a year in which will live alongside 9/11,...