Mars and Venus in the Sky

Yesterday, Venus officially appeared in the evening sky, making it’s first visible appearance in almost 90 days as it was orbiting behind the Sun.  I was able to watch the dim light of ancient goddess symbol appear after about 15 to 20 minutes after the Sun had...

When Our Path and Vision Collapses

A not-so tall tale of Uranus and Saturn by Erik M Roth, Shamanic Astrologer Most of us are familiar with the term, “mid-life crises”, especially if we are in the early-to-middle 40s or have passed through beyond age 50.  But there are notices we receive in our early...

Your Call to Adventure

The Mars Opposition One of the myths that has endured the test of time is what Joseph Campbell calls the “monomyth”.  This myth encompasses the vast majority of the “Hero’s Journey” or “Quest” stories from the very beginning.  They endure in modern entertainment in...

NEW Mars Webinar Series – Join the Quest!

The Mars Quest in Sagittarius and the Scorpion – Webinar Series with Daniel Giamario and Erik M Roth Begins May 2nd! A Two-Part Webinar Series that follows up on the Groundbreaking “Mars and the Sacred Journey” Teleclass/Webinar Series Celebrate the celestial stories...

Mars Retrograde and You

  Once every 25 or 26 months, Mars enters a 2 and ½ month period of moving “backwards” across the night sky.  Of course, Mars doesn’t really move backwards, but it is simply that the Earth has caught up with Mars (since Earth moves faster than Mars).  It also...

Reporting from the Sonora

HAPPY VERNAL EQUINOX!! NOTE: Spring or Vernal Equinox occurs when the Sun crosses (from south to north) the Earth’s equator March 19th at 9:30pm Pacific time and for one day we have equal day and night  Since I began doing astrology professionally in 2010, it...