Impossible Dreams and Manifesting Reality

The Saturn-Neptune Relationship Some of us can relate to dreaming the “impossible dream” as was weaved in the musical in 1965 and film, Man of La Mancha in 1972.  Those that can or do relate to the song could very well have a strong Saturn-Neptune signature. When Joe...

Return to the Northwest

I’ve been down in Tucson since the 1st of October, experimenting with the possibility of staying down in the Sonora Desert during the cooler months and the Northwest during the warmer months.  The experiment taught me a great deal about myself, especially in...

Topping Off in the Underworld

While on a walk in December along a dry river wash in Tucson under blue skies, I spotted a marking on the pavement that runs along the side of the wash.  It was one of 2 universal glyphs of the dwarf planet Pluto.  I stopped in my tracks at the unusual sight.  Who...

Reformulation of Mars

  There are emerging forms of the masculine, represented by the planet Mars in Shamanic Astrology that is seen across all quarters of cultures all over the world.  These forms range from alpha-male types on one end to fully receptive and cosmically-sensitive...

Visiting Oregon in December

SCHEDULE UPDATE I am in the planning stages of my return to Oregon over the Yule/ Winter Solstice season.  I am driving up from Tucson through California and all the way up I-5.  I will have time for a few readings along the way, including the portions of the...

Interviewed by Taylor Ellwood

Yesterday, November 9th, I had the pleasure of being a guest on author Taylor Ellwood’s weekly podcast on .  In the broadcast, I talked extensively of the Shamanic Astrology paradigm, what makes it different from other types of astrology, how...