Full Moon at the Galactic Center

The Full Moon this month takes place on June 14th at 23°25’ Sagittarius, very close to the Galactic Center, which rests between the Scorpion and Archer constellations. The Earth is roughly between the Sun and Moon, each of which appear at opposite sides of the sky....

Saturn in Aquarius Stations Retrograde June 4/5

The ringed planet Saturn makes its annual station retrograde point June 4/5 at 25°15’ Aquarius.  Anytime a planet stations retrograde (or direct), it is not a one-day affair and can take about 2 days to complete the standstill point before moving in the other...

Mercury Stations Retrograde – May 10, 2022

For the second time this year, on May 10th at 4°51’ Gemini, Mercury is stationing retrograde, between the Pleiades and the star Aldebaran.  This happens on the day Jupiter ingresses into the sign of Aries for the first time since 2010-11.  In the Shamanic...

Events and Classes in 2024-2025!

Shamanic Astrologer Erik Roth is holding classes, participating in fairs and other events this year including: September 9-10, 2023 in Eugene, Oregon / MeWe Fair I’m excited to be a part of the MeWe Fair in Eugene, OR. I will have a reader’s booth and will...

Virgo Full Moon, Jupiter Rises

This year’s Virgo Full Moon is very close to the September Equinox point. This is due to the Sun, of course, being near the time when it crosses the projected equator from the south to the north (meaning longer days in the Northern Hemisphere and shorter days in the...

Mars-Venus Conjunctions in 2022

Feb 16, 2022 March 5/6, 2022 On February 16, the day of February’s Full Moon in Leo, Mars “catches up” with Venus in a conjunction at 16˚ 53’ in the sign of Capricorn and they move into conjunction again March 5/6 at 00˚ 01’’ in Aquarius.  But this is only part of a...